premium solutions
All in one pack
The all in one eGspy pack is specialy developed for someone who want to track everything happening with in a device. It enables you to track videocalls, voice calls, SMS, chats on Facebook, chats on Instagram, WhatsApp, Emails, Images, videos, documents etc.. It allows you to get live screenshots, video records from the device. All these can be accessed from a private dashboard on your private location.
call track PACK
Track phone calls and get them recorded remotely. You will get live notification whenever a live call or sms arrives on a device. You will get the entire call log history with the number, time and duration. Also you will be having access to all the SMS send or received on the same phone number.
Social media PACK
This pack of eGspy enables you to record live video calls or to take screenshots in a specific time interval. This unique pack gives you access to all social media apps installed within the device. You will get the real time view of the accounts on your private dashboard. This pack suitable if you want to monitor social media and email accounts.
However you are not permitted to edit anything on the account without the approval from an egspy expert.
our approch
This will give you an overview of how much time in percentage eGspy will take to complete a remote deployment and to give you access to the data on the target device. All together eGspy will take 20 minutes for completing a single task (Deployment + access creation + Data extraction).
I am impressed with the easiness and execution of the egspy software. Highly efficient, easy to use with and completely remote. It helped me to unveil some bitter truth about my life. Thanks for an incredible tool.
All one pack of egspy gave me full access to whatever I Need from my employees official phones. I never have to worry about leaking my business details and unwanted time spend by them on social media.